Psychometric Testing and Assessment

Psychometric Testing and Assessment - Selection for Recruitment

A proven part of successful recruitment, psychometric testing is recognised as a vital component in improving organisational effectiveness through the selection and development of both teams and individuals.

Liam Healy & Associates, Registered Occupational Psychologists, have been providing assessment and development consultancy services since 1995.

Our expertise lies in being able to carry out an in depth psychological assessment of an individual, and not simply a psychometric test. As part of this we provide both on-line and direct face to face psychometric assessment, either as an integral part of recruitment, or to fulfil a specific career development, coaching or other development need.

Our team of Registered Occupational Psychologists use psychometric tests to produce in-depth psychological profiles of individuals covering both personality and intellectual ability, from the most senior managerial and executive level positions, to graduate and more junior roles. All of our assessment specialists hold the British Psychological Society’s Test User qualifications in psychometric testing.

If you need a recruitment or selection assessment done quickly then click here for details of our easy to use on-line psychometric assessment system .

If you are interested staff development, you can read about our on line Employee Development Reports here.

But we do more than just psychometric assessment. We also support our clients with:

We only use qualified Registered Occupational Psychologists to ensure that only the highest quality ethical practise prevails.

Why not let us handle the whole psychometric testing and assessment process for you?

For recruitment and selection, we also provide a quick and cost effective on-line psychometric assessment system .

If time is of the essence, or you have a large number of candidates to assess, or just need one assessment done at very short notice, all you need to do is provide us with the candidate names and email addresses, and we handle the rest.

If you would like to learn more about our easy to use, on-line psychometric testing service click here.

Read more about Diversity, Bias & Discrimination Training; Employment Tribunal/Expert & Professional Witness Support; Team Wellbeing & Effectiveness; and Employee Welfare here.

If you would like to discuss your psychometric testing and assessment needs with one of our psychologists please email us at